“Environmental baseline assessment” shall mean an assessment that are carried out during the preparation of a feasibility study, design and drawing of any projects and formulation of national, regional and sector development programs and plans in order to establish the existing conditions and state of nature and environment of the territory, in which the proposed projects, programs and plans are to be implemented and to identify any environmental considerations that the project, programs, plans and policies need to incorporate;


The environmental baseline assessment shall be conducted with the participation of authorized professional organizations, experts and researchers in the relevant field, and report shall be prepared on scientifically based research method and research. The baseline study shall include:

  1. Physical geography, landscape;
  2. Geological formation;
  3. Geomorphology;
  4. Hydrogeology;
  5. Groundwater resources, quality and regime;
  6. Surface water resources, regimes and quality;
  7. Climate;
  8. Air quality;
  9. Soil cover;
  10. Vegetation cover;
  11. Fauna;
  12. Natural, historical and cultural heritages;
  13. Special protected areas;
  14. Land management;
  15. Social and economy;
  16. Potential impacts


Environmental Baseline Study surveys determine the characterization of an area prior the development of a project and establish the initial environmental status to design a project. A baseline study is essential in order to be able to determine the level of impact expected and to enable the monitoring of impacts after the development has occurred. In some cases, baseline information will need to be gathered in the field, and in others it will already be available and need only be collated. Where a project has a number of alternative sites, each of the sites should undergo a baseline study so that the relative severity of the impacts for each alternative can be assessed.



  1.  The environmental status assessment serves a basis for discussion of strategic and cumulative impact assessments, DEIA reports and approval of  environmental management plans.
  2. The project implementer shall ensure that the environmental baseline assessment is performed with the due participation from the licensed professional entity and research institutions and if necessary, shall seek guidance from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. 
  3. The environmental status assessment shall be conducted during the Feasibility study in the proposed project area.
  4. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism or the aimag and capital city environmental departments shall issue a conclusion on the general environmental impact assessment based on the environmental baseline study report and results.
  5. The project implementer shall apply for a GEIA to the state central administrative organization in charge of nature and environment or the aimag and capital city governor’s office, whichever is applicable according to the classification annexed to this law, by submitting a brief description of the project, the feasibility study, the engineering design and drawings, baseline description of the proposed project environment, a written opinion of the relevant soum and district governor and other related documents.

Published: 2018-04-06 09:14:30