The purpose and objectives of a detailed environmental impact assessment are as follows. These include:
To identify and assess potential adverse effects on the environment, society and the health of affected people residents during project implementation;
To recommendation measures to mitigate and eliminate potential and the major impact of the project;
To prevent of environmental disturbances due to human activities;
To support sound natural resource utilization with less impacts on the environment;
To implement regional and sectoral policies, development programs and plans;
To make conclusions and decisions on project start-up and to regulate stakeholder relations.
DEIA is a key document in deciding whether or not to implement a project and provides stakeholders with reliable and accurate data and information. Stakeholders include:
Central State Administrative Body / MNET /
Project financing organization / Bank /
Local government / project area/
Affected people / local residents /
Project implementer /Company and economic entities/
Professional organization /Special licensed /
Stakeholders / NGOs and others /
Any state or local administrative body, bank, financial and other relevant body shall make transparent, open, accountable decision on results of DEIA and ensure public participation and consider the legitimate interests of the parties.
DEIA shall be conducted in following process. These include:
The project proponent is required to submit the following for screening by the appropriate authority prior to the commencement of the project.
GEIA screening takes a minimum of 14 days to make conclusion based on the environmental baseline study.
GEIA makes any of the following conclusions: (i) the project is rejected on grounds of non-conformity with the relevant legislation, or adverse impact of the equipment and technology on the environment, or absence of the project in the land management; (ii) the project may be implemented without conducting a detailed environmental impact assessment (DEIA), but pursuant to specific conditions; (iii) the project would require a DEIA;
If DEIA is required, the scope of work shall have been defined as part of the conclusion of the screening (GEIA) activity including DEIA report and Environmental Management Plan
The DEIA is submitted to the MET for review, which is expected to come up with a conclusion within 18 working days (or may be extended, if necessary).
The MET will approve or disapprove a DEIA based on the conclusion of the review and taking into account the public’s opinion.
Published: 2018-02-25 22:45:23