The purpose of the Environmental Management Plan is to protect and ensure sustainable use and restoration of the nature and environment in which the proposed project is to be implemented, ensure the realization of recommendations outlined in the strategic assessment, mitigate, eliminate and prevent adverse impacts that are identified by the detailed impact assessment and monitor and identify potential negative consequences that may arise in the proposed project environment.
An environmental management plan shall consist of 2 main parts:
Environmental protection plan
Environmental monitoring program
The environmental management plan shall be developed by an authorized professional organization for a period of 5 years during the DEIA.
The environmental protection plan. EPP shall address measures to mitigate and eliminate adverse impacts identified during the environmental impact assessment and provide for the timeframe and estimated budget for implementation of those measures.
The Environmental Monitoring Program. EMP shall address the monitoring and analysis of changes made to the state of environment as a result of the project activity and shall clarify reporting requirements and the ways to implement the plan as well as providing the timeline and estimated budget.
An environmental management plan developed based on the results of a detailed environmental impact assessment of the project shall not exceed 5 years, and for projects lasting more than one year, the management plan shall be updated and approved every 5 years.
The Ministry of Environment and Tourism receives the project implementer's annual environmental management plan implementation report annually and approve the next year's plan and the amount of funds and expenditures required for its implementation.
Project implementer shall develop annual environmental management plan developed and approved in DEIA and submit it to Ministry of Environment and Tourism for approval. The approval process takes 21 working days. If the implementation of the previous year's environmental management plan is insufficient, the next year's management plan may not be approved.
Environmental management plan. The environmental protection plan shall address measures to mitigate and eliminate adverse impacts identified during the environmental impact assessment and cover following:
Key measures and scope to be implementedduring of mine closure;
Human resources and environmental management structure and organization to implement the environmental management plan;
Reporting plan to disclosure and disseminate the progress and results of the implementation of the environmental management plan to the relevant government agencies and local community;
Relevance to resettlement, community health, interests, livelihoods, cultural heritage protection and other plans.
Biological offsets. The environmental management plan shall include biological offset measures and principles. The biological offset principles include:
A biodiversity offset should be designed and implemented to achieve in situ, measurable conservation outcomes that can reasonably be expected to result in no net loss and preferably a net gain of biodiversity
The design and implementation of a biodiversity offset should be a documented process informed by sound science, including an appropriate consideration of traditional knowledge.
Offset measures should not allow the project proponent to avoid the obligation to reduce, eliminate or rehabilitate the impacts provided by law;
The design and implementation of a biodiversity offset, and communication of its results to the public, should be undertaken in a transparent and timely manner
Environmental monitoring program. An environmental monitoring program as an integral part of the environmental management plan shall be implemented at all phases of project and addresses the following issues:
Background information on the proposed project, predicted positive and negative impacts, annd social conditions and quantitative and qualitative changes that may occur as a result of the project;
Quantitative and qualitative indicators for measuring the effectiveness of mitigation, remediation, rehabilitation, detoxification and mitigation measures;
International and national environmental agreements, laws, standards and norms to be followed by the project implementer;
Environmental components that need to be monitored and recommended mitigation and elimination measures, and parameters for impact assessment;
Sampling, measurement and analysis methodology, location, time and frequency
The project implementer is committed to develop the environmental management plan for a particular year which describes the following in the report. These are:
Actions to mitigate and eliminate negative impactsTechnical and technological design improvement, such as filtration, settling, cleaning, neutralization, demineralization, detoxification, refining, burial, incineration, emission, distillation, installation of additional equipment, etc;
Management, organization, internal procedures, advocacy, reporting, and capacity building training;
Activities that should meet the requirements of the “Environmental Management System-MNS ISO 14001: 2015” standard: providing employees with knowledge and information about the environment, assessing potential risks, and responsive measures in case of emergency etc;
Expenditures required for mitigation and remediation activities, such as rehabilitation costs required, types and amounts of solid and liquid wastes, sources, costs required for collection, storage, transportation, processing, treatment and recycling, for reuse, disposal, destruction and burial techniques, techniques and hazardous waste management, application of technology and costs, fire protection measures and costs, prevention of potential accidents and cost, exposure to hazardous and toxic chemicals and cost for prevention and provision of first aid in case of accident events caused by them andcost for health of employees and labor safety;
Actions to mitigate impacts on affected people for relocation and resettlement, its costs and measures to protect historical and cultural heritages and findings, and the costs required;
Methodology to monitor and measure water, soil and air pollution during the project implementation and any alternation of the environmental components; monitoring time, location of sampling and measurements; analysis and reporting of test results and responsible person for program implementation, and the cost of ensuring implementation.
The Environmental Management Plan is developed, reported and approved in the following steps. This includes:
The project implementer shall update every year the annual environmental management plan based on the results of a detailed environmental assessment and an approved environmental management plan in accordance with the related environmental legislation.
The report on the implementation and compliance of the environmental management plan shall be submitted to the aimag and capital city environmental department of the aimag whereproject is locatedby November 1 of a particular year. The working group shall conduct on-site inspection and make the conclusion within December 1.
The project implementer involving in mineral exploitation shall submit the report on the restoration and rehabilitation of land damaged by mining activities in accordance with the form EP-3 to the Governor's Office of a soum or district by November 25 of each year. The format paper must be attached to the EMP.
The Project Implementer shall develop the environmental management plan of next yearand submit to the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism by December 20, together with the report on the implementation of the environmental management plan and the conclusion of the working group.
The project proponent shall submit DEIA report and audit report on the implementation of the environmental management plan to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism every two year.
The Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism receives a report on the implementation of the annual environmental management plan, monitor and review its compliance, and approve the environmental management plan for next year.
Published: 2018-02-25 22:52:58