Established in 2007, "Green Assessment" LLC has been delivering consultancy services to  assist clients who need to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment.  The company aims to prepare and conduct the environmental impact assessments in line with globalization and the information technology revolution to meet the national and international standards in accordance with need and demand of Mongolia's economic and social development.

Our company offers a diverse range of services of EIA to clients and partners including:

  1. Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment
  2. Environmental Baseline Study
  3. Environmental Strategic Assessment
  4. Cumulative Impact Assessment
  5. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  6. Health Impact Assessment
  7. Toxic and hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment
  8. Rehabilitation and Offset protection
  9. Mine closure plan
  10. Environmental damage assessment
  11. Environmental Management Plan.


I believe that we together make efforts for environment protection and conservation, pollution prevention, detection of potential environmental risks and adverse effects, ensuring social and human health, and implementation of mitigation measures as well as the environmental sound management, prevention of potential economic risks and failures, and promoting environmentally friendly consumption and production.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to our clients, entities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research and scientific organizations for your support and close cooperation.

We hope that our cooperation will continue to expand.




          Director                                              BATBOLD. D


Published: 2018-02-20 06:28:37